Baijulal Kumar

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How This Bihar Based Farmer Amazed Everyone With His Progressive Farming Skills

Earlier, farmers used to think that we should follow the same agriculture practices that have been followed by our ancestors. But today’s youngsters believes in the passion of trying & implementing something new, which is good as it could influence others farmers towards progressive farming.

This is a story about a farmer who used to do something additional along with conventional farming.

Baijulal is a Bihar based young farmer, whose father used to cultivate paddy and wheat in 3-4 acres of land and rear cattle including 2 cows and 1 buffalo for dairy farming purpose. After graduating in B.Sc. Physics, Baijulal started helping his father in the fields, as his family’s financial conditions were not good. But he always wanted to do something different, so in the free time he used to watch agriculture videos on YouTube. One day, he came to know about mushroom farming and this is how it started.

To gather more information about mushroom farming he contacted a few mushroom producers, and this is how he gained more interest and enthusiasm towards it. But when Baijulal discussed this with his family, they disagreed with him, as no one has ever done it before in their village. But Baijulal had thought that he would do something unique because of his strong will power.

“No one accepted my decision of mushroom farming. Everyone was suggesting me that I should not try something about which I have no knowledge or skill.” – Baijulal Kumar
To begin with the mushroom cultivation, he brought 5 KG spawn from PUSA University and for this he started boiling the waste stubble. Seeing Baijulal doing this, villagers started making fun of him. But he never cared about anyone and even started working harder.
“After seeing this work of mine, villagers use to call me mad and even asked me to leave it. But my decision was definite to do something different from the villagers.” – Baijulal Kumar

For farming information he took help from YouTube videos and sometimes he used to ask the experts for their advice. With the time when he harvested the mushroom, then his hard work was really appreciated by everyone. His relatives tasted the mushrooms produced by him and everybody liked it.

When Baijulal sold his produce for the first time in the market, even the customers also admired the quality of the mushrooms and gradually the demand increased. Achieving this milestone inspired Baijulal to start mushroom farming of larger extent.

To become successful, one has to do struggle and the result of this struggle is success. Similarly, after getting success due to hard work, Baijulal started his company named as  “Champaran The Mushroom Expert Pvt. Ltd. Company”.

Presently, he is farming Milky and Button mushrooms and is making good profit from it. Now Baijulal has become proficient and skilled in his work and he also provides training to the other men and women. He provides 2 Kg Spawn, PPC Bag, Formalin, Bevastin and Spray Machine to the farmers who get training from him for Mushroom Farming.

Apart from this, Baijulal also purchases fresh mushroom from the Mushroom farmers that are not sold, dries them and prepare their products such as Soup Powder, Mushroom Pickle, Mushroom Biscuit, Mushroom Peda, etc.

“The people who used to call me insane, now appreciates and inspire me to do good work.” – Baijulal Kumar
Future Plans

In the future, Baijulal wants to form a group of farmers and sell products made using mushrooms on a larger extent.

“Instead of burning stubble, farmers should use it in the mushroom cultivation or animal feed. And farmers should do other agri-allied activities with conventional farming to gain more profit.”