Surinder Kumar

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Innovative Farmer Surinder Kumar: Pioneering Success in Relay Cropping and Strawberry Farming in Jhangola

In the heart of Dasuya district in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, a tale of agricultural innovation and resilience is unfolding. Sh. Surinder Kumar, born and raised in this agrarian landscape, has emerged as an inspirational figure for farmers across the region. His transition from a 20-year career in exhibition conference management in Delhi to becoming an innovative farmer in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic shows his determination and commitment to sustainable farming practices.

Surinder Kumar’s journey into agriculture wasn’t a predictable one. Driven by the economic uncertainties brought about by the pandemic, he returned to his roots, drawing on the farming experience instilled in him during his childhood. His parents, deeply rooted in agriculture, had imparted invaluable knowledge that would later become the foundation of his success.

In pursuit of a new venture, Surinder Kumar turned to a friend in the UK, a seasoned farmer with expertise in strawberry cultivation. Armed with this knowledge and complemented by his own extensive research, Surinder Kumar embarked on the ambitious journey of strawberry farming in India. The initial challenges were manifold, ranging from the unavailability of high-quality seedlings in India to the struggle of exporting seeds and seedlings from other countries.

The first year proved to be financially daunting, as he faced significant losses on his initial 3-acre venture, with expenses averaging 8 to 9 lakhs per acre. Undeterred, Surinder Kumar sought solutions and identified the need for superior strawberry varieties. This realization led him to import unique strawberry varieties with distinctive flavors from Italy, varieties that could thrive under Indian conditions. Fulfilling all government regulations for seed importation, he received guidance from PUSA on the proper procurement and cultivation of these imported plants.

As Surinder Kumar’s strawberry enterprise began to take root, he expanded his agricultural footprint by acquiring land in Himachal Pradesh. Currently, he manages an impressive 8-acre plot in Jhangola village in Delhi, with 4 acres dedicated to strawberry cultivation and the remaining 4 acres supporting a variety of vegetables, including capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, radish, and wheat.

One of Surinder Kumar’s key strategies for maximizing profit margins is his adoption of relay cropping, a method where different crops are cultivated sequentially on the same piece of land within a single growing season. His relay cropping patterns, particularly between strawberry-watermelon and capsicum-watermelon, have proven to be highly lucrative, demonstrating the potential for diversification in farming practices.

In addition to innovative cropping patterns, Surinder Kumar places a strong emphasis on sustainable agricultural practices. He has implemented integrated pest management techniques to minimize the use of harmful pesticides, safeguarding both soil and crop health. Recognizing the importance of water management, he has developed a variety-specific fertigation regime, optimizing the use of water and fertilizers for enhanced crop growth.

Modern technology plays a pivotal role in Surinder Kumar’s farming approach. Real-time temperature and humidity monitoring through data loggers ensure optimal conditions for his crops, showcasing his commitment to leveraging technology for agricultural efficiency.

For the marketing and sale of his produce, Surinder Kumar has strategically partnered with supermarket giants Reliance Fresh and Big Basket, providing him with a fixed market and ensuring a steady income stream. This collaborative approach not only secures his financial stability but also contributes to the economic growth of Jhangola.

His message to the fellow farmers is seed selection and plantation at the right time is very important in strawberry farming. Also, he actively engages with and assists other farmers who wish to delve into strawberry farming, offering guidance on seed selection, cultivation practices, and post-harvest care.

In conclusion, Sh. Surinder Kumar’s agricultural story stands as a beacon of innovation and sustainability. His strategic adoption of relay cropping, importation of unique strawberry varieties, commitment to sustainable practices, and embrace of technology exemplify a holistic approach to farming. As an advocate for responsible and profitable agriculture, Surinder Kumar not only cultivates success for himself but also serves as an inspiration for the farming community at large.


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Gangaram: A Journey from Education to Sustainable Farming

In the serene village Kalakh of Jaipur, Rajasthan, nestled amidst the landscapes of India, Mr. Gangaram embarked on a remarkable journey of transformation, transitioning from a career in education to becoming a staunch advocate for sustainable farming practices. His story is a testament to his unwavering commitment to promoting organic farming and fostering a culture of agricultural research and innovation in his community.

Before dedicating himself entirely to farming, Mr. Gangaram owned a school in his village from 2000 until 2016. In 2018, he handed over the reins to his brother to pursue his lifelong passion for agriculture. Recognizing the importance of knowledge sharing, Gangaram actively encourages trainees from various universities to visit his farm, providing them with valuable insights into sustainable farming practices.

Gangaram’s journey into sustainable farming began with formal training at HITC Horticulture in Durgapur and attending Organic Kheti training programs. Inspired by his agricultural background, he established the Seport Organic Farm and Agro Research Centre in November 2017.
Today, Gangaram’s farm is a thriving testament to his dedication. He cultivates a diverse range of crops, including cucumber, melons, strawberries, broccoli, figs, and various types of lettuce. In addition to these crops, he also grows seven different types of green fodder.

Gangaram’s journey into organic farming was fueled by a pivotal moment in 2012 when he read an article about the hazardous chemicals sprayed on crops in Punjab, leading to health issues. This revelation ignited his determination to pursue organic farming and promote chemical-free agriculture. In 2016, a visit to Mini Israel in Jaipur further solidified his commitment to farming by witnessing the success of over 500 polyhouses.

On August 28, 2017, Gangaram commenced his journey into polyhouse farming, having received training and guidance from experts in the field. He conducted extensive research, consulting with his family, who shared his agricultural background, before venturing into farming. Continuously seeking to enhance his knowledge and expertise, Gangaram emphasizes, “I took various pieces of training and to date don’t miss a chance of learning about farming.”

Gangaram’s dedication to sustainable farming extends beyond the boundaries of his polyhouse. He also breeds fish, raises Avishan sheep (10 for meat), and maintains a dairy farm with three Gir cows and five Murrah buffaloes. Currently, his polyhouse spans three acres, with a fourth acre under development. Overall, he supervises 15 bighas of land shared with his two brothers. While all of his farming practices are organic, the polyhouse requires the occasional use of WSf and Biohouse chemicals.

One of Gangaram’s unique features is his direct interaction with consumers. He sells strawberries directly to visitors and offers a wide variety of vegetables at local markets. Additionally, he supplies his produce to Kissan Mela, ensuring that his fresh and organic products reach a broader audience.

Gangaram’s commitment to education is evident as he welcomes two batches of students from SKN Unit City who are pursuing B.Sc as part of the RAWE program. His farm serves as an experiential learning platform, offering hands-on exposure to sustainable farming practices.

Gangaram’s remarkable journey has not gone unnoticed, earning him a series of prestigious awards and recognitions. In 2019, he was honored with the JB Kheti Award at the state level. In 2021, he was recognized as an innovative farmer by IARI, Delhi. He continued to receive accolades, including the Pandit Din Dayal Upodaya Karsi Award in 2021 and the IARI Fellow Award on February 9, 2022.

Looking to the future, Mr. Gangaram envisions expanding his sheep production by exploring more breeds and implementing sustainable practices. His relentless pursuit of knowledge, coupled with his dedication to sustainable farming, makes him a true trailblazer in the field of agriculture. Gangaram’s story serves as an inspiring example for individuals seeking to make a meaningful impact in their communities through sustainable and organic farming practices.

In a world where sustainable agriculture is becoming increasingly important, Gangaram stands as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for those who wish to make a positive change. His dedication to organic farming and his commitment to sharing knowledge not only enrich his community but also contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Krishan Dutt Sharma

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There are situations in life which make people realize the missing objective of their lives and inspire them to achieve it. The same thing happened with an ordinary farmer- Krishan Dutt Sharma, of village- Chikhar (Shimla) and motivated him to adopt organic farming.

Achievements of Krishan Dutt Sharma in organic farming has made him so popular that today his name is counted in the list of important people in the field of agriculture.

It all started when, Krishan Dutt Sharma got the opportunity to visit Hyderabad (November 11, 2002), with the help of Agriculture Department. During that visit, he got an overview of Organic Farming. He was curious to know more about it, as well as he wanted to implement it.

His passion and ideas came into action when he came in contact with Morarka Foundation (in 2004). Until that time, he got well aware of the adverse effects of increased use of chemicals in the agriculture field and this made him very distressed and anxious. As he knew that, he also has to face the consequences of fertilizers and pesticides in the coming future, so he decided to adopt organic farming completely.

He had total 20 bigha land out which 5 bighas was irrigated land and 15 bigha was rain-fed area. In the beginning, he purchased an apple mother plant (root-stock) from Horticulture Department, and from that plant, he established his whole garden with 400 plants of apples. He also grew pears tree (20), cherry trees (20), peach trees (10) and pomegranate tree (15). Along with fruits, he also started growing vegetables like cauliflower, peas, beans, capsicum, and broccoli.

Generally, broccoli crop grown with pesticides and chemicals gets easily spoil, but the broccoli grown by Krishan Dutt Sharma in an organic way, significantly has much life. Due to this reason now broccoli grown by farmers organically is being carried to Delhi market for marketing purpose. Moreover, broccoli grown organically is sold around Rs 100-150 / kg and these numbers are escalating the income reach of farmers up to 500000 rupees, and in the boost of this six-digit figure, half of the income is earned from the sale of broccoli only.

To inspire more farmers towards organic farming, Krishan Dutt Sharma has created a group in his village under his leadership. His initiative has inspired many farmers to adopt organic farming.

Krishan Dutt Sharma’s achievements in the field of organic farming are very huge and even Himachal Government has honoured him with Best Farmer Award in “Organic Fair and Food Festival” in June 2013. But because of his humbleness, he gives all the credit of his success to Morarka Foundation and the Department of Agriculture.

He uses cows (3), bullocks (1), and calves (2) dung in his fields and forest, and he also prepares Vermicompost for better yield. He has prepared a bed of 30x8x10 on his farm where he prepares Vermicompost from 250 earthworms every year. In place of pesticides, he uses herbal spray, aperture wash, Jivamrit, and NSDL. Using natural pesticides in place of artificial improves his land condition and also decreases his expense.

“He wants to inspire other farmers to adopt organic farming for better future and good income.”