Kunal Gahlot

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As we know that time is a limited commodity for everyone and working hard won’t help a person to compete from the multi-millionaire competitors. Because if it was possible to earn fortune by working hard, than today farmers would be the multi-millionaires of this country.

The thing which makes your work more impactful and productive is smartness. This is the story of an ordinary farmer from the outskirt village-Tigi Pur of Delhi, who is making millions from vegetable farming by using smart modern farming approach. It’s not like he has any high-tech farming machinery or equipment or he is using gold in place of manure, it’s just his smart approach which he is implementing in his fields.

Technology adopted by Kunal Gahlot….

Kunal Gahlot is engaged in crop diversification and farm diversification since 2004 which has resulted in boosting up the farm income by 500% in a stretch of 10 years. Yes, you read it right! In 2004 his farm income was Rs. 500000/- and in the end of 2015 it was turned into 3500000/-

Turning this 6 digit income into 7 was only possible for Kunal Gahlot because of the implementation of new and modern techniques. Unlike other farmers he embraced scientific technologies in the production of crop plants and horticulture products, like mushroom farming, and intensive vegetable farming. By this initiative, he has earned Rs 3.60 lakh/per hectare in just 4 months.

How marketing boost up his farming to next level….

As per the market demands, sale of the farm produce rocketed and developed many new effective marketing linkages, which helped Kunal Gahlot to identify the potential market place as per the needs.

To lift up the productivity of farm produce he also established vermicompost plant on a large scale and used farm mechanization for better cultivation and harvesting process. Currently he is growing Wheat (HD-2967 and PB-1509), Paddy, Radish, Spinach, Mustard, Turnip, Cauliflower, Tomato, Carrot etc., and along with this he also prepares vegetable seeds. Well these are just few achievements of Kunal Gahlot to mention…

He has also modified the package of practices for cucumber cultivation, transplanting for cabbage, intercropping of marigold with radish etc.

For his work, he has received several awards and recognition from various government and non-government organizations. He always try to share his knowledge and innovations among the fellow farmers of his area and also contribute in the betterment of the agriculture field.