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Story of A Man Whose Love for Goat Rearing Turned Him into A Successful Farmer of Goatery

Most of the people think that the college education is crucial for success in today’s working world. Yes, it is true that college education is necessary because education helps in keeping the person updated. But there is one more driving force behind the success and that is the passion; passion leads to financial freedom. And passion only comes with the interest of the person in a particular thing.

One such man, who despite not pursuing his education is still running a successful commercial goat farming business is Altaf. It was his childhood interest which led Altaf to follow and pursue goat farming as his profession, and it was his passion which made him successful in his work.

Altaf was born in Fatehpur Sikri city of Rajasthan in a very humble family. Altaf’s father, Mr. Ayyub Khokar was a labour, and he also used to do little farming to run his house. They also had four goats for milk and meat purpose. As a kid, Altaf was very fond of goats and he always used to care for them too. But as the Altaf’s father had no insured job, so there was no regular income, the financial condition of the family was not that good, due to which Altaf had to quit his studies after 7th class. But his love towards goat rearing never reduced and in 2013 he turned his goat rearing into goat farming.

In the beginning, Altaf started his goat farming commercial business from just 20 goats and gradually with the time, he expanded his business to 300 goats. He never took any type of training for goat farming, he just learned by watching his father all his childhood. Over the years, he has understood how to take care of them. His collection has different variety and breeds of goat in his farm mainly beetal and mix breed. Today, the meat produced in his farm is known for its best quality.

He never gives any medicine or any type of artificial feed to his goats. He always prefers to provide natural fodder to the goats and also take care that all his goats are disease free. Till now he has covered a huge market, he sells his farm meat in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Mumbai. The quality of the meat produced in his farm is so good that special demand comes from Mumbai. Moreover, he manages all the farm work himself, and whenever he needs the extra hands, he hires workers on the spot.

Today, at a very young age of 24, Altaf has established his own commercial goat farming business and is managing it very smoothly. And as we know that, goats are among the main meat producing animals in India, so economic prospects of goat rearing is pretty good. But reaching this stage in the life was not so easy for Altaf. After great hardship and efforts, he has maintained the collection of 300 goats and in future, he is planning to expand his business more. He is also developing and strengthening the linkages with customers present in different cities and is also trying to include different breeds of goat in his collection.

Message by Altaf
“According to Altaf, a farmer should never give up. Because God always gives opportunity to everyone, you just have to grab it. Use your passion as driving force and startup on your own. Your skill can help you in deciding what you want to do in the future.”