Sandeep Singh and Rajpreet Singh

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They set a new example for farmers, successful story of two companions who took their goat farming business at International level

Goat Farming is a very profitable occupation because it requires very little investment. If we talk about livestock farming, most of the farmers are practicing Dairy Farming business. But now-a-days, Goat Farming is considered as the most successful profession in livestock farming and many young people are also getting successful in this profession. This is the story of two such young men who started practicing Goat Farming after completing their studies and in addition to achieving success, they are also training other farmers in this regard.

Sandeep Singh and Rajpreet Singh, residents of Taruana, a village in Sirsa district, Haryana, wanted to do business instead of doing job after graduation. Rajpreet has completed his M.Sc. in Agriculture, so on his suggestion, the two friends decided to pursue agriculture or livestock farming business. For this purpose, they first thought of setting up a polyhouse but due to some reason, they did not succeed.

After that, they decided to start livestock business. For this, they met with the veterinarians and they advised them to adopt Goat Farming.

With the advice of experts, they got training for the Goat Farming before starting. They went to CIR Mathura for training and after 15 days of training, they started SR COMMERCIAL Goat Farm at 2 kanal land in Taruana village.

Now-a-days, it is very common that if you want to start a business, it can be easy to get a loan from the bank but Sandeep and Rajpreet started the Goat Farm in 2017 with the help of their family members without any financial assistance.

As the saying goes, the paths are met with one’s advice, but to achieve the destination, one has to work hard.

So, both of them started working hard to achieve success in this business. They wisely started the Goat Farm with only 10 goats on a small scale, all of which were of the beetle breed. They brought these goats from the mandis of Ludhiana, Raikot, Moga, of Punjab State. Gradually, they became aware of the problems that arise in Goat Farming. Then they started looking for solutions to these problems.

Most difficult task for Goat farmers is the identification of the breed of goats. Therefore, information should always be taken from experts to identify the goats. – Sandeep Singh

Their steadfast determination and support from family members led them make the Goat Farming profitable. Sandeep and Rajpreet then started working on improving the goat breeds in the farm. Today, due to their hard work, the number of goats in their farm has increased from 10 to 150 within 2 years.

In goat breeding, one should never be dependent on labor. If we want to succeed in this profession, we have to work ourselves. – Rajpreet Singh

Knowing the difficulties that goat farmers face, they started providing Goat Farming Training to help other goat farmers so that they could make more profits. Sandeep and Rajpreet provide practical training on their farm, which provides the trainees more information and they are making good profits from the goat farming business using these techniques.

Apart from providing Goat Farming Training, SR Commercial Goat Farm sells goats to the farmers not only from Punjab and Haryana but also from other different states of the country.

Planning the future

In the coming time, Sandeep and Rajpreet want to start their own Goat Farming Training School and go ahead with the field of agriculture as well. In addition, they want to make goat’s feed products and do self-marketing.

“Goat Farmers should start this business from a very small level. If anyone faces any problem in Goat Farming, they can always visit SR Commercial Goat Farm for information and advice.”

Milan Sharma

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Nothing is impossible for a woman, if she is passionate… Milan Sharma proved this by her dedication

It is often believed that dairy farming is mostly done by less or uneducated people. But now the educated youths are also joining this business by seeing other people making more money in this work. Nowadays, men as well as women are getting ahead in dairy farming. In this story we are talking about a woman who succeeded in the dairy farming business and is now becoming an inspiration to other women.

Milan Sharma, a resident of Haryana, has studied M.Sc. Biochemistry. While studying, she was married to Chetan Sharma, an Electronic engineer. After getting married she gave birth to two sons and got busy in her family chores. After the sons started going to school, she started learning German language in her leisure time and later got a job as a German teacher in a school. In addition, she worked with the German Cultural Centre as a project manager for many years. This project was designed to teach children in German and then help them to move to Germany for higher studies.

Later on, both our children got good jobs so we both thought about doing something better for the environment and society – Milan Sharma

Milan’s father-in-law had 4 cows in the village and he always did everything himself. Unfortunately he died in 2017, so Milan and her husband started looking after the 4 cows kept by their father and with it they bought 2 more Sahiwal breeds. With the passing time, their dairy business started to grow and Milan had to leave her job. But she didn’t know much about dairy farming, so she got training from the NDRI Karnal, LUVAS and GADVASU to increase her knowledge. Number of cows increased to 30. She then started a farm named as “Revanar” in 6 acres of land. Revnar is the combination of Revati and Narayan – names of her husband’s grandparents. She get this farm registered from FSSAI. At present they have 140 cows of Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi and Gir breed.

I used to be scared getting near to the cows before, but now I spend all my day with the cows. Now the cows live with me as if these are my best friends. – Milan Sharma

With the increase in number of cows, the amount of milk production also increased. Earlier, only relatives and some people in the village purchased milk from them, but later on others also started buying milk from them because of the good quality. At first, they used to put milk in the drums and give it to the customers, but after a while they realized that there should be some change. Now they sell milk to customers by putting milk in glass bottles. Customers return those glass bottles in which milk is sold to them. The next day, milk is then given to the customers in the same glass bottles. They also sell milk and milk products (cheese, yogurt, butter, lassi, desi ghee) online. Milan sells her dairy milk to customers in Delhi, Noida, and Faridabad.

Along with the dairy farm, she cultivates 15 acres of land in Mathura. Here in the crops she grow wheat, paddy and mustard.

She also use cow dung and urine from dairy. They has set up a bio-gas plant, which produces gas from cow dung and urine, which is further used to produce food for cows such as porridge (dalia).

In addition to this, Milan has grown various types of fruit trees, medicinal plants and heritage trees on her farm, such as Neem, Tahli, Kadam, Papaya, Gillow, Amla, Guava, Bel Patra, lemon, tamarind, etc. By adding the leaves of all these trees in the cow’s urine, she produce the Jeev amrit which is used for the crops. In addition, she use buttermilk in the fields as the replacement of pesticides.

Millan’s husband, Chetan, works in solar panels installation in homes and companies. He has also installed 800 kW solar panel on his farm.

Achievements –

Following are the achievements made by Milan’s determination and hard work:

  • Animal Husbandry Department, Haryana has given her the status of Progressive Farmer.
  • 2 cows of Revnar Farm won prizes at the Faridabad Pashu Mela.
  • She has increased the number of cows from 30 to 140 cows in just one year and added more than 200 customers starting from 5 houses only.
Future planning:
Milan wants to give her entire village a chemical free environment. Going forward, she want to prepare her dairy farm as a skill centre and provide training to the veterinarians. She want to start a project with the government to set up a community biogas plant in their village. The project will provide free gas to all the villagers, where they will also know about the proper utilization of cow dung. By doing this, they can use the waste of the bio gas plant as organic manure in the fields and thus can reduce cost on the fertilizers

“Youth should come forward in the field of dairy farming. There are many job opportunities in this area too. We should also encourage our children to get involved in this work from the very beginning.”

Rishab Singla

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Haryana’s 23-year-old young boy is emerging as an example for other youngsters

In this era of unemployment, our young generation is either becoming a drug addict or settling down abroad. But on the other side, there are few youngsters like Rishab Singla, who are doing miracles by their innovative ideas in the field of agriculture. This is the story of a 23 year old young boy Rishab Singla from Haryana, who wants to achieve something different in his life. He has pursued BBA and wished to do his own business. As we all know, now-a-days, each and every person, from a small child to old ones, everybody likes chocolates a lot. So, Rishab started to think about chocolate manufacturing. During his studies, he came to know that organic farming of cocoa plants is done in Karnataka. But he was not much aware about this because his father was a trader of intense sticks. In order to know more about cocoa plants, he went to COORG (Karnataka). After getting proper information about cocoa plants and their cultivation, he decided to start chocolate manufacturing.

In February, 2018, Rishab purchased organic cocoa beans from the farmers of Karnataka and for the first time with the help of mixer-grinder, he prepared a chocolate at home. In the starting, he faced a number of problems in doing this work but he never lost hope. He made a variety of different flavours chocolates successfully. In this way, he started to manufacture chocolates at his home. His family members also helped him in making chocolates, but as the work load started to increase, he hired 8 labourers in manufacturing process, resulting in employment of the unemployed.

“According to me, it is okay to earn low profits in a business but it is not okay compromising on the quality of the product. We focus more on increasing our quality rather than increasing profits. Because, currently people only get adulterated food products due to which health problems increase.” – Rishab Singla

Rishab Singla always purchases only organic cocoa beans and manufacture chocolates from them. Now Rishab has started to procure organic cocoa beans from Bengal also. After gaining complete knowledge about cocoa beans and preparing chocolates from them, now he has started packaging of the chocolates himself. He does the packaging of chocolates in such an effective manner that customers can get the idea of the quality from the outside itself. His customers feel extremely delighted after tasting the chocolates.

Being a young boy, he understands the importance of social media in everybody’s life. By using social media as a tool, he started online marketing of his brand ‘Shyam Ji chocolate’. By doing this, his business got a new direction.

“Manually, the work can be done with more accuracy and perfection rather than using machines. But efficiency of work can be more using machines and also it becomes easy to do with the help of these.” – Rishab Singla

Products by Shyam Ji Chocolate:

  • 85% Organic Dark Chocolate Bar
  • 75% Organic Dark Chocolate Bar
  • 55% Organic Dark Chocolate Bar
  • 19% Organic Chocolate Bar In So much Different flavors
  • Sea salt Organic Chocolate Bar


  • Mind Booster Chocolate Bar
  • Jaggery Chocolate Bar
  • Chia Seeds Chocolate Bar
  • Fiber Booster Chocolate Bar
  • Black Pepper Chocolate Bar
  • Flex Seeds Chocolate Bar

Festival Item

  • Festive Celebration Assorted 15 pieces Chocolate Box

Future plans:
As Rishab has been into chocolate manufacturing for a year , he plans to continue his work only in high quality chocolates.

He also has plans to establish his own chocolate company which will be equipped with all the latest technology.

“Rishab prepares only organic products and he wants to spread his message that we must use only organically prepared products because we cannot have happiness, peace and success without good health.”

Mukesh Devi

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Abuzz of sweet success: Meet leading lady in beekeeping world with an annual income of 70 lakhs from honey business

“It is believed that future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Milakpur is a small village in the interior of Jhajjar district of Haryana, which is not even properly linked to the main road and has no direct bus service. It almost seems impossible for a person to think of starting any allied farming activity or business while living in such a place. But the successful endeavour of Mukesh Devi in beekeeping field has proved that anything is possible if you have the passion to do it. Even after suffering from painful toxic stings of bees, Mukesh Devi and her husband had never thought of stopping and they continued their passion of producing the best honey in Northern India.

In the year of 1999, Mukesh Devi’s husband – Jagpal Phogat started beekeeping after getting inspired by one of her relatives who was also doing beekeeping. With the help of training provided by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mukesh Devi also joined his husband’s venture in 2001. The work which they began so early with few beehives, started growing gradually with the time and now it has been expanded in other areas of states as well- Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan, and Delhi.

Seeing the health benefits and rising market demand for honey, now Mukesh Devi has started selling the honey under her own brand – Nature Fresh. Currently, she has 2000 honey bee boxes for honey collection.

Mukesh Devi has not only made her family status financially stable but she has also provided employment to more than 30 people. By sending honey bee boxes to 5 different states with the help of their employed workforce, Mukesh Devi and her husband collects around 600 to 700 quintals of honey annually, and by honey, it doesn’t just means the ordinary honey with same flavour and taste, they have honey in more than 7 different flavours which are collected from the plants of Tulsi, Ajwain, Coriander, Shisham, Eucalyptus, Lychee, Neem, Mustard, and Pigeon Pea. Tulsi honey is one of the best honey they have with great market value.

When it comes to honey collection then the couple pay special attention to the time and weather of different states and according to that they set up their beehives at different locations. For organic honey, boxes are sent to the jungles in different states, below are given some time spans of honey collection from different places:

• For Tulsi Honey – Boxes are sent to the jungles of Madhya Pradesh (October to November)
• For Ajwain Honey – Boxes are sent to the jungles of Rajasthan (December to January)
• For Ajwain – Boxes are sent to Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab (May to July in Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab)
• And from Feb to April, boxes are set up at different locations in Haryana
Moreover, the income of this couple is not only limited to honey production and its selling, they also sell Comb Honey, Honey Amla Murraba, Honey Carrot Murraba, Bee Pollen, Bee Wax, Propolis, and Bee Venom, which have a good market price. Presently, Mukesh Devi and her husband are earning around 70 lakhs annually just from beekeeping.

Mukesh Devi and Jagpal Phogat efforts have been appreciated by many organizations and officials, some of them are given below:
• Received National Award from IARI, New Delhi, in Rashtriya Krishi Unnati Mela for beekeeping and producing different varieties of honey in 2016.
• Mukesh Devi & Jagpa Phogat honoured by Agri Leadership Award at Surajkund, Faridabad
• Awarded by Union Minister of Steel – Birender Singh for good honey production
• Awarded by Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
• Their achievements have been published in IARI progressive farmer magazine namely Adhyeta and Innovative Farmer Magazine with other 39 progressive farmers.
Mukesh Devi is a progressive beekeeper and her initiative has set an example for other women entrepreneurs that if the efforts are in the right direction than even beekeeping business can make you a millionaire.

Future Plan:
Mukesh Devi and her husband have bought a piece of land in their village where they are planning to set up the processing unit of their products according to the market demand.

“Looking at the present status, farmers must pursue allied farming activities with conventional farming for better financial stability.”

Shamsher Singh Sandhu

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This Is What Happens When the Nursery Preparation Venture Turns Out Well In the Field Of Agriculture

When it comes to agriculture, then farmer should stop following the sheep herd and do what truly motivates them to wake up daily from their bed and stand up in the fields, whether its vegetable farming, poultry, piggery, floriculture, food processing, or door to door delivery of the produce. Because this is how a farmer can make out the best from agriculture.
One such a progressive farmer from the land of Jaats- Haryana – Shamsher Singh Sandhu, has excelled his way up in the field of agriculture by following his ideas and dreams. Unlike other farmers, Mr. Sandhu is mainly into seeds preparation which is giving him good returns as compared to conventional farming practices.
Inspired by his father’s achievements in the field of agriculture, Shamsher Singh also decided to adopt farming after completing his studies (Bachelor of Arts) in 1979 and in the next year he got married too. But following the same footsteps as his father of cultivating wheat, paddy, and other conventional crops was not that fortunate, and he was still confused about his profession.
However, the agriculture sector is such a wide sector with so many fields and opportunities, so, in 1985 he came to know about Young Farmer Training Programme of Punjab Agriculture University, it was a 3 months training programme under which there were 12 subjects like dairy, horticulture, poultry and many other subjects. He got himself enrolled in it. After finishing the training he started preparing seeds and without visiting the vegetable market or having any shop, he earned well from the seed preparation business just by sitting at home.
Apart from agricultural activities, Shamsher Singh Sandhu is also involved in a social initiative through which he helps the needy by donating clothes to them. He has made a group of farmers specially, to collect unwanted clothes and use it for a better purpose.
For seed preparation, first Shamsher Singh Sandhu himself buys seed from the university (PAU or HAU), cultivate them, harvest it when it has reached its full maturity stage and after that treat it with semi-organic methods before selling it the other farmers. In this way, he is making a good profit out of nursery preparation business. His venture is so successful, that he has been awarded two times for his outstanding efforts from IARI with Innovative Farmer Award and Fellow Farmer Award in 2015 and 2018.
Presently Shamsher Singh Sandhu is farming Guar, Wheat, Barley, Cotton and seasonal vegetables along with seeds preparation and is reaping good profit out of it. In future, he is planning to expand his Sandhu Seed Farm work, so that he can supply the seeds not only in Punjab but in other neighbouring states as well.
Farmers should try seeds of other seed suppliers as well because in this way they can know the difference between the good supplier and the bad one and take the better yield of the crops by choosing the best.

Binsar Farm

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Binsar Farm: How the Trio of Three Friends Succeeded In the Establishment of Farm to Table Milk Business

How many of you have ever thought about contributing to the agriculture society along with your busy job schedule? The answer is very few…

For a person who is professionally devoted to the agriculture field for him taking out time for the agriculture society is not a big deal, but for those who are in the service sector, for them yes it is a big deal.

Well, this is the story of three friends who realized their dreams while still attached to their respective job profiles and worked upon it mutually to make it true as Binsar Farm.

Pankaj Navani, 40, the idealist behind Binsar Farm, comes from a background where his grandfather used to work for the betterment of their village Gawani in Pokhara Block, Uttaranchal. His grandfather established three primary schools, one Kanya vidyalas, one intermediate and one degree college for the village children. The upbringing of Pankaj Navani in such environment where his grandfather’s unconditional voluntary work for the society, has built up a positive attitude of responsibility for the community and it has stayed with Pankaj till now.

Carrying his dreams with him, Pankaj was still looking for an opportunity, and while working in the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, he finally met his future partners, Deepak and Sukhvinder (who were interning under him). The idea of Binsar farm came into reality when three of them went on a trek in the hills of Binsar and lost their way while coming back. But luckily they met a kind shepherd and he invited them to his shed and they spent that night comfortably in his hut. Next morning the shepherd showed them the right trail back to the city and this is how their trek to Binsar which seems like a fairy-tale came to an end. Thinking about the kindness and humbleness of the shepherd they decided to do something for the people of Uttaranchal. Basically, first, they thought of picking up the fruits, vegetables, and lentils grown in mountains and sell them in the plains by gathering more village farmers. The trio working along with their respective jobs also started acting on this project and they started gathering support.

It’s the matter of 2011 when the trio almost began to discover the process to proceed with their dream project. As being the election year, wherever they went everybody supported their plan, and in the same year Pankaj flew to New Zealand while working on an official assignment. But it didn’t created much difference in their efforts on their dream project. In New Zealand, Pankaj met Earl Rattray, Founding Director of Fonterra Dairy Group. After having a warm and genuine talk with Earl Rattray, Pankaj shared his idea of dream project with him and after hearing the tale of Uttaranchal, Earl showed interest in joining the trio team and turning it into a quadruple dream. Earl Rattray came aboard as Partner-cum-Investor to turn the Binsar Farm project into reality.

As the election polling took place and the ruling party lost the polls, all the commitments and words vanished overnight and they were again at the zero level of the staircase to their dream project- Binsar Farm. But Pankaj, Deepak, and Sukhvinder never lose their hope and decided to adopt alternative option to help the agriculture society, and this is when Earl Rattray came up with his extensive experience of dairy farming to back up the Binsar Farm project.

Sukhvinder Saraf, Pankaj Navani, Earl Rattray, A Friend, Deepak Raj (From Left to Right)

Both Deepak and Sukhvinder come from the families where their culture and traditions are still the same as in the old times and their sense of living is very deep rooted in the communities. Knowing about the project, Deepak’s father offered his 10 acres of land near Sonipat, Haryana on lease to this project. By 2012 they started the dairy farming business with the inputs of dairy management and advanced techniques of Earl.

That’s not all, working responsibly towards community development, they (Pankaj, Deepak, Sukhvinder & Earl) have leased 40 acres land to five local farmers in the area to grow fodder, they supply seeds, fertilizer, and other resources. This group of five farmers is assured of their regular income and they don’t have to worry about the market price of the crop, which has enabled them to think futuristically about their family and invest in their children’s education and other things.

When it comes to the cattle health, then fodder is the most important thing to work upon and that’s why they have instructed the farmers already to use any kind of pesticide almost 21 days before the harvesting of the fodder. Pankaj and team have spent a lot of time and energy on the better dairy management practices and that’s why they have no water logging or puddle kind of situation in the cattle’s stable. Moreover, paying much attention to the shed they have kept a soil flooring rather than concreting the whole floor, as hard floor affects the milk yielding capacity of the cattle and most of the dairy farmers are still not aware of this.

Pankaj also shared a very interesting information about dairy farming: He told that in his dairy farm the cow lameness point is only 1%, while in comparison to other dairies cow lameness is up to 12-13%.

This is a very unique fact that Pankaj shared because it is sad to know when the cow is lame then she doesn’t turn towards its feed regularly which ultimately affects the milk production.

Well, currently they have more than 1000 cows at Binsar Farm, from which they are supplying farm-to-table milk to more than 600 families in Delhi and NCR region.

Later they planned to start donating the cows to the local farming families, share their expert dairy management knowledge with them and eventually buy back the milk from them. This will help the farmer to earn a stable income and make a positive change in their lifestyle with the time.

Currently, Binsar Farm is working with 12 other dairy farm owners in Haryana and Punjab region, and collaboratively they are producing products like yogurt, cottage cheese, clarified butter etc.

The trio with their united efforts tried to create a governing framework through which they can not only help in the development of the society but can also share their advance agriculture practices with the farmer society. The idea of Binsar Farm project came during the hilly trek in the mind of Pankaj, Deepak, and Sukhvinder and after that, it completely changed the life of many farming families.

Pankaj and team believe that in the coming time money will no longer is going to be the driving force for the next generation; passion to accomplish their dreams is what will motivate the younger generation to realize their virtue and make it come true.

Vinod Kumar

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Vinod Kumar who was a mechanical engineer by profession often used to take out time from his busy job life to explore his interest in farming to discover new trending agri-technologies. One day while surfing the Internet, Vinod Kumar came to know about Pearl Farming, allured toward this profession he dug more information about it and came to know that pearl farming can be carried out in less water and less area as well.

When he came to know that the only pioneer institute which trains in design pearl farming is situated in Bhubaneshwar – Central Institute of Fresh Water Aquaculture (CIFA), Vinod Kumar lost no time and listened to his heart, left his job and went to Bhuvneshwar in May 2016 for one-week training.

Started pearl farming in 20 x 10 foot area with 1000 mussels and today he has expanded the pearl farming business from which he is earning more than 5 lakhs from 2000 mussels. Well, this was the determination and passion of Vinod Kumar towards agriculture which showed his this path to success.

Vinod Kumar shared with us some of the pearl farming information for the newbies –


• Minimum investment – 40,000 to 60,000.
• Water temperature necessary for pearl farming- less than 35°C.
• A water tank is necessary for pearl farming.
• Mussels can be purchased from Meerut and Aligarh in Rs 5-15 from fishermen.
• These mussels are kept in the water tank for 10-12 months and when the shell starts changing its color to silver then pearl is ready.
• Well, it takes 2 – 2.5 years to form a good round shape pearl.
• Shell is recognized by its inner shine
• Generally, the size of the shell is in between 8 – 11 cm.

• The ideal market for pearls is in Rajkot, Delhi, Nearby Delhi and Surat

Main Work in Pearl Farming:

The main work is mussel surgery and for this work, special training is provided by the institute. Other than pearl different shapes and designs can also be formed inside the mussel.

Vinod is not only practicing pearl farming but he is also providing training to other farmers. He is certified by ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture in training of freshwater pearl farming for entrepreneurship development. Till now more than 30,000 people have visited his farm and he has never anyone let down.


“Today farmers have to think different if they want to move ahead in their life, but this spirit also demands patience, because many of my students came to me for training and immediately after the training they tried to set up their business, but they were not successful. People have to understand that success comes with patience and frequent practice.”


Mr. Vinod Kumar hailing from a small village Jamalpur of Farrukhnagar tehsil, Gurugram, has proved with his experience and determination that freshwater mussel culture has a vast potential.

Vipin Yadav

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Story of Vipin Yadav a farmer and a computer engineer who chose hydroponics over traditional farming method to bring revolution

Today is an era where if farmers don’t have fertile land or even land, then also they can exist; and for this, Indian farmers have to realign their priorities and agriculture practices to overcome the stereotypical conventional methods.

Technology has taken the agricultural practices up to an advanced level so that no constraints like pests or disease can affect the crop yield, and this is a positive growth in the agriculture sector. The only thing that keeps the farmer away from their own progress is their fear – “The fear of losing the investment in technology and maybe the thinking that what if, it does not work out well and lead to a huge loss.”

But this 20-year-old farmer understood the prerequisite demands to progress in agriculture field and is now doing something beyond traditional farming.

Hydroponics is a good way of farming because no disease can affect the plants as the farming is done soil less. Moreover, we prepare the plants in poly-house, so no environmental disease can affect the plants at all. I am happy with this method of farming and I want other farmers also to adopt hydroponics –Vipin Yadav.

Unsatisfied from the job salary package after completing his engineering degree in Computer Science, Vipin decided to start farming, but definitely not like his father, who was practicing conventional farming methods.

Like a responsible and aware youth, he chose to go for an online training through Agriculture Skill Council of India, Gurugram. After passing the initial online eligibility test he went to the main training centre in Gurugram. Out of 20 candidates, only 16 were passed for face to face training of hydroponics, and Vipin Yadav was one of them. He also took protective cultivation training from KVK Shikohpur to improve his skills.

“In 2015, I introduced the new technique of soil-less farming to my father for whom soil was the only base to grow the plant. –Vipin Yadav

To implement what he learned during training, he started with just mere 50 trays containing small plants of two main varieties, with the investment of Rs. 5000 to 7000.

“I allocated 800 sq ft area for the hardening unit and 1000 sq ft for preparing plants by taking space on rent in Gurugram and also built poly-house in it. –Vipin Yadav

His experimentation with 50 trays in hydroponics leads him to great success which motivated him to start it on a huge scale. The next big investment with which he started hydroponics was Rs. 250000 with the help of friends and relatives.

“Currently, I can prepare 250000 plants or more on order.”

Hydroponics is not practiced from April to mid-July due to warm climatic conditions, but still, profit is good enough to recover this gap. Vipin Yadav is growing almost all types of crops – grains, oil-seeds, vegetables, and flowers in his hydroponic farm. Machinery like sprinkler and fogger are some of the implement which he is using to make his farming easier. His flower produce is very healthy and has good yield, due to which it was even sent to President’s Secretariat.

For soil-less farming, he uses three components: Coco peat, Perlite, and Vermiculite in the ratio of 3:1:1. In 35-40 days the plants are ready and then they are kept in hardening unit for 1 week. Nutrition like NPK, zinc, magnesium, and calcium are given to the plants through the water. In Hydroponics there is no use of pesticides as no soil is used for farming, moreover, Vermicompost is used which can be easily prepared at home.

Future Plan: My future plan is to cultivate other species of cactus plants, medicinal plants and ornamental plants in my hydroponic farm for better income.

Vipin Yadav is an example of how the youth of India is saving the future of agriculture by using the proven advanced technology.


“Before starting anything new in the field of agriculture, farmers must take training from KVK to enhance their skills and make themselves trained.”

 The nation needs more young and creative mind to venture in the agriculture field for better economic development and if we continue to meet such young people like Vipin Yadav, then this is a positive indication towards the future.

Rajesh Kumar

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Haryana Based Rabbit Farmer Playing the Role of Real Life Magician by Empowering More Than 700 Farmers with the Knowledge of Rabbitary

Rajesh Kumar is a real-life magician farmer from Haryana, for whom pulling bunnies out of the hat is the main source of income for livelihood. Don’t be amazed! Here we are talking about rabbit farming.

Rabbit farming is a field about which either most of the farmers are unaware or uninterested. But, in the present time, rabbit farming is a profitable source of income and in the future also it can fetch good revenue.

In the year of 1977, there was an initiative taken by the central government towards rabbit farming. A project was started by the government to support rabbit farming in India, in which they use to fund farmers, to begin with, 10 units (1 unit include 70 females and 30 males) of rabbits for their farming. But this project was not that successful and was soon closed down. But this was not the doom of rabbit farming. In 2007, many private rabbit farming firms were opened after some time that started following the same guidelines of the project started by the government earlier, and Paradise Rabbit Farm owned by Rajesh Kumar was also one of them.

In 2007, Rajesh Kumar visited CSWRI (Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute) in Avikanagar, Tonk (Rajasthan) where he first got the exposure towards rabbit farming. He was so much fascinated by rabbit farming that he decided to invest in this venture. Now it’s been 11 years since he is successfully pursuing rabbit farming.

And that is not all!

Rajesh Kumar has expanded his rabbit farming contract business all over India (covered almost all the states). Under his contract business, he provides 10 units of rabbits to the farmer and also gives complete training to take care of the rabbits. He also provides transportation for the delivery and collection process of rabbits from the farmer’s farm.

Rajesh- “Rabbit business is mostly adopted by small farmers, so basically rabbit farming is done where there are small farmers. Currently, I am doing contract farming with more than 700 farms, located all over India.”

How Rajesh Kumar made marketing easier for other rabbit farmers….

Rajesh Kumar has done one more advantageous thing for the farmers who started rabbit farming through him and that is marketing. The purchasing price of the rabbits back from the farmers is decided in the beginning and after every year there is 10% increase in the price of the rabbit. Moreover, he has made marketing easier for the farmers, because when the rabbits get mature for selling purpose, then Mr. Kumar send his own vehicle to collect the rabbits from their farms. There is only one condition that every farmer has to follow and that is investing in 10 or more units of rabbits in the beginning to get free transportation of the rabbits. The farmers who invest in fewer rabbits (less than 10 units) they have to use their own transportation for rabbit delivery.

Some basic stats about rabbit farming that Mr. Kumar shared…

• Female gets pregnant maximum 6 to 7 times in a year
• From one pregnancy a doe can give birth to minimum 1 baby and maximum 14
• Pregnancy period of a doe is 30 days
• If the litter size is increased, then chances are there that weak babies will be born. So on an average, we can say that 5 average babies survive per doe.
• In case a doe has given birth to more than 5 babies then the farmer has to shift some of the babies to another doe to provide complete nutrition to the babies.
• A baby rabbit gets ready for selling purpose in 3 months if the proper feed is given.
• Newborn babies open their eyes in 12-14 days
• Weight ranges between 1.45 kg to 2 kg depending on the feed.
• Rabbits are used for meat purpose and for making vaccination for swine fever in piggeries

Rajesh says- “Farmer should try to get their female rabbit 8 times pregnant in a year to earn good profit.”

How Rajesh Kumar prepares feed for rabbits…

In India, there is no specific feed company for rabbits, because rabbits consume less amount of feed. So, Rajesh Kumar prepares rabbit feed at home.

Ingredients of Dry Feed- Maize, Wheat, Soybeans granules, Choker, Rice Bran for fat, Salt, Mineral Mixture.

This feed changes according to the area.

During June, July and August moisture content is very high in the atmosphere, so farmers should make only 100 kg feed according to 10 units of rabbits. Because rabbits fell sick by eating bad feed. Rabbits are just like humans and they should be taken care very carefully. Although there is no specific vaccination for rabbits, if the rabbit has caught some disease then Rajesh Kumar assist the farmers with its medications.

Currently, Rajesh Kumar is living with his mother, father, wife, two sisters, two brothers and his son in his hometown Dhatrath, district Jind (Haryana). His brother Parveen Kumar help him in his rabbit farming venture. His monthly income from rabbit farming is Rs. 30 to 40, 000.

Awards & Achievements:

• 3rd award in best rabbit competition at Pant Nagar
• Certified by Haryana Government
• Registered with CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals) in 2016

Future plan: He wants to expand and expose his rabbit farming contract business to more farmers in India.


“Rabbit farming is a profitable venture because it needs less investment and more profit. Small-scale farmers who have less land can invest in this venture and gain good profit out of it.”

Details of contract rabbit farming provided by Rajesh Kumar

Rajesh Kumar provides 2 days full training for rabbit farming in batches. Training includes vaccination, medication, checking pregnancy, taking care. If any farmer is interested in doing rabbit farming then minimum 3 lakh rupees is required for the investment in 10 units of rabbit and for shed 1 lakh rupees. In India, most founded breeds of rabbits are Angora (in cold region), Chinchilla, Grey Giant, Newzealand White, and Dutch Half Black-Half White.

Rajesh Kumar also has an office in Kurukshetra from where he manages all the official work of his farm.

Rajesh Kumar as being a B.Sc. Graduate in Multimedia Animation proved that rabbit farming is a field which any person can adopt and continue successfully with little guidance and training. Although he could have chosen the field of Multimedia Animation, but he chose his real interest to pursue in the future.

Ravinder Singh, Shahtaj Sandhu

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How Sandhu Brothers Continues the Family Saga & Hatches Poultry Business to New Heights

This is not just a story related to chickens and eggs. This is a story of brothers’ strong determination which turned their small family venture into a multimillionaire project, even after facing many hurdles.

Well, who knew that poultry farming started as a side business two decades ago by a small ordinary farmer – Mukhtiar Singh Sandhu, will turn up into a great success by their coming generation.

So, how the foundation of poultry business was laid…

This is a matter of 1984 when Mukhtiar Singh Sandhu decided of investing in poultry business along with farming. Mr. Sandhu recognized poultry business as a good source of alternative income, and for the growing needs of the family, he felt it was a best option to pursue along with agriculture. He started with 5000 broiler chicks and slowly with the time and money flow he expanded it.

When his nephew joined the business…

As the time passed by, Mukhtiar Singh did his best and gave the best education to his children. And in 1993, his nephew Ravinder Singh Sandhu (Laddi) decided to enter his uncle’s business and decided to expand broiler business to new heights.

When bird flu hit hard the market and affected many poultry businesses…

In the year of 2003 – 2004, bird flu outbreak caused a major loss to the poultry industry. Poultry farmers threw their chickens in the river and they were left with nothing. No one dared to start with the poultry venture again. Sandhu Poultry also faced major hit back. But Ravinder Singh Sandhu was very resolute and he wanted to make his business stand again at any cost. He was a little scared also that this industry may get shut down, but nothing stood in between his determination and goal. He took a loan from the bank and started his poultry farm again.

“The reason behind starting the poultry business again was that my uncle (Mukhtiar Singh Sandhu) was much attached to this business, as he was the first person who laid the first brick of this business.Moreover, in our family, every education expense (primary to higher education) and family expense of every single member is taken care through this business only. Today, one of my sisters is working as a government officer in California; another sister is a government lecturer in a government high school in Karnal; a few years back Shahtaj Singh (cousin brother of Ravinder Singh) completed his Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida; Marriage expense of both daughter and son… everything was done from the income of this poultry farm.”

Very few people started their poultry business again and Ravinder Singh Sandhu was one of them. After the revival period, Sandhu Poultry Farms came back with a great holler and made a good profit in the poultry business.

Expansion of the business….
Till 2010, Ravinder along with his uncle expanded the farm productivity to 2.5 lakh chickens. In the same year, they also established a hatchery with the capacity of 40,000 birds, from which they started getting 15000 birds on an average daily.
When the Shahtaj joined the business…
In 2012, after completing his studies, Shahtaj Singh Sandhu joined his cousin brother (Ravinder aka Laadi) and father (Mukhtiar Singh) in poultry business. Earlier they used to buy the feed from other companies but after some time, both the brothers took Sandhu Poultry Farm to new heights and established Sandhu Feeds. Both – Sandhu Poultry Farm and Sandhu Feed are registered under the authorized organization.

Currently, they have 7-8 units of poultry farms spread in 22 acres, hatchery in 4 acres, feed plant in 4 acres and crop farm in 30 acres, situated at Jind Road, Assandh (Haryana). To give their farm surrounding a green landscape and fresh environment, they have planted more than 5000 trees. 2 people are assigned to properly manage the feed plant and other than that there are 100 workers employed for the functioning of the poultry farm, out of which 40 are official workers.

When it comes to the hygiene and farm conditions, then it is always maintained under the strict supervision of Sandhu Brothers. After the clearance of every batch of birds, the whole poultry farm is washed and cleaned properly and then a thick layer (3 – 3.5 inch) of rice husk is spread over the ground to provide a fresh and dry atmosphere to the chicks. Temperature maintenance is another factor which plays important role in running the poultry farm, so they have installed coolers for proper air ventilation in summer season and furnace for maintaining warmness inside the poultry during winter seasons.

“A little negligence can lead to huge loss, so we always prefer to maintain the hygiene and healthy condition of the chicks. We refer government veterinary hospital and sometimes special poultry hospitals. Charges are very nominal.”


Ravinder Sandhu with 24 years of experience and Shahtaj Sandhu with 5 years of experience in poultry industry have fabricated a strong marketing network in their own state as well as in the neighbouring states like Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. They sell birds and chicks feed in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan through different dealers and sometimes directly to farmers.

“If anyone is interested in starting a poultry farm then the ideal way to do it, is with minimum 10,000 birds. Initially, it costs Rs. 200 per bird and Rs. 130 to raise a bird. Approximately you can say that expenses will be in between 30 – 35 Lakh and if the farm is rented then it is 13 -1400000 for a batch of 10000 birds.” – Says the ambitious Sandhu Brothers.”

Future Plan

“Expanding farm and raising more birds was already on the checklist but the new thing which we are planning to do in the future is – investment in the business of retailing poultry products.”

Both the brothers with their unmatchable strong bond of brotherhood have taken their family business to new heights and they will continue it in the future also.


Poultry business is a good alternate source of income in which farmers must invest if they want to earn good profit along with farming. There are few things that every poultry farmer must take care if they want to continue successful poultry business, like hygiene condition, temperature maintenance, and good quality chicks and feed.

Satya Rani

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When it comes to development, then there is no doubt that women are playing a major role in shaping and guiding the young minds of India. Even in agriculture field also women are not left behind, they are leading the way to sustainable and organic farming. Today, many Indian women from both rural and urban areas are aware of the issues related to chemicals used in farming and they are also working towards this cause. Satya Rani is also one of those women who is doing organic farming and is also actively involved in the food processing business.

With rising health issues and climatic change, food security has become a major challenge to deal with, and Satya Rani is one of the emerging agripreneur who is working towards this issue.

It was Satya’s childhood dream to contribute to the agriculture field and give back to nature. From the beginning, her parents always guided her and inspired her and finally the little girl’s dream was transformed into a woman’s vision.

There also came a bad time in Satya’s life, in which if there was any another girl, then she would have lost her confidence and hope easily, but Satya didn’t. Satya’s parents told her to stop her studies after 12th because of financial problems, but she was so determined towards her future that she told her parents that she will manage her higher studies on her own. She started part time job of making food roducts like pickles and chutneys and started selling it.

During this time she learned a lot of new things and her interest was increased towards food processing business. After completing her BA from Hindu Girls College, Jagadhri, she got the job of home science trainer in the same college. Soon after that she was married to Rajinder Kumar Kamboj in 2004, but after marriage also she didn’t give up her work. She continued her food processing work and developed many new products like mango laddoo, coconut laddoo, pickles, fruit jams, murraba and many other different types of laddoo. Her efficiency increased with the time resulting in good quality products and larger customer base.

Well, food processing is not the only field in which she excelled. From her school time, she was very active in sports and she was the captain of the Kabbadi Team. She was also very zealous towards her profession, and for her work, she even achieved Best Training Award by Hindu Girls College. Currently, she is doing organic farming on 1 acre of land and is also actively involved in dairy farming. She grows every type of seasonal vegetables with the help of her husband. Satya Organics is the brand name under which she is selling all her processed products (different types of laddoo, pickles, Jam, and Murabba)

In the coming time, she is planning to expand her work and make more revenue from it. She also wants to inspire other girls and women in the society towards food processing and organic farming, so that they can become self-dependent.

If God has given you everything – physically fit body and mentally fit mind, then you should work in a constructive direction and make use of strength in a positive way. Every person should recognize the hidden talent in themselves so that they can work towards it in benefiting the society.”

Pooja Sharma

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Story of A Strong Willed Woman Who Stepped Forward to Support Her Husband in Managing Family’s Livelihood through Farming

In our Indian Society, a notion has been deep rooted in our minds that woman should be at home and men should earn. But still, there are many women who bear the tag of bread earner very confidently in a positive way and help their husbands in running and supporting the house needs. One such a woman who is helping his husband in fulfilling her house needs is Pooja Sharma.

Mrs. Pooja Sharma is a rising agripreneur from the land of Jats – Haryana, and currently, she is the president of Kshitiz Self-Help Group and leading women of her village (Chandu) under her. By using the innovative farming technique she is producing 11 varieties of ready to cook and ready to eat items made up of soybean, wheat, maize, pearl millet, and corn.

The decision of making a move in the field of farming was taken in 2012 when Pooja Sharma (mother of three children) realized that her house needs aren’t going to be fulfilled with just his husband (Government Contract Employee) earnings, and now it’s her responsibility to support her husband.

She joined KVK Shikoupur and told them to teach her things that will help her earn a livelihood. She took training from there and learned innovative farming techniques. There she learned how to process the soybeans and other cereals so that it can be directly used for eating. And after taking this training she encouraged other women of her neighbourhood and village to take the same training.

In 2013, she established her own small manufacturing unit of roasted soybeans at home and also involved other women of her village in her venture and slowly expanded her business. She also made a self-help group by the name Kshitiz SHG and involved and encouraged more women of her village to join it. By collecting all the savings of the group’s women, she purchased three more roasting machines. And after some time she collected more money and purchased two more machines.

Currently, their group has 7 units of manufacturing machines. The machines were expensive according to their budget but still, they managed and it cost them around Rs. 16,000 and Rs. 20,000 per piece. She has 1.25 acres of land and she is actively involved in farming also. She grows mostly those crops of pulses and cereals, so that, she can process it and use it later for selling purpose. She is teaching the same thing to other women of her village also to use their land effectively because it can benefit them in the future.

Along with the team of 11 women today she is processing and selling more than 11 varieties of products (millet khichadi, millet laddoo, roasted wheat grains, roasted sorghum, roasted soy beans, roasted Bengal grams) which are ready to eat and cook (wholesome packets of nutrients) across the states and country. With the willpower, Pooja Sharma has helped other women of her village to gain self-reliance and confidence.

For her, it has been a long journey to reach where she is today and she has faced many challenges also. Now they have setup the machines at their home, so that women can operate it at home when they are free; and in their village, as power cuts are very frequent, so they have divided their work according to that; some women dry up the beans, some clean them and the rest of the women roast and grind them.

Currently, the big problem that Pooja Sharma and group face sometimes is language barriers (English). Because when it comes to communicating with big companies then they realize that in which skill they are lacking the most and that is education. But they are not discouraged by it and are trying to work on it. Apart of manufacturing food items, she is also helping women acquire training in stitching, farming and other activities they are interested in.

Her future plans are to expand his business and inspire more women and make them independent so that they don’t have to be dependent on others for money. For her passionate work and effort, she has been awarded a cash prize of 50,000 and a citation certificate for innovative farming techniques with Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Krishi Puraskar from Zone II comprising states of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Delhi. She is also a member of ATMA SCHEME and she has also received appreciation by the Governor- Kaptan Singh Solanki, for making protein-rich food items.

“Wherever farmers cultivate cereal, pulse or any crop, there they should create a group of those women who are just doing household work and train them to use the produced crops for making good things by processing them, so that they can sell those things in the market and get a good price for it.”


Ashok Vashist

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Encouraging Story of a Farmer Making Money from Organic mushroom Farming and Mushroom Products

The science of agriculture has been refined and perfected overtimes to fulfill the demands of the ever increasing population. And with advancement, farming techniques has also been changed. Nowadays most of the farmers are dependent on conventional farming (industrial farming) techniques, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, GMO and other industrial product to maximize the potential yield of their crops; very few are doing farming without using chemicals. Today, we are going to introduce you to a personality, who also use to do conventional farming earlier, but after getting the insight and knowing the benefits of using natural ways in farming, he started using natural farming methods.

Ashok Vashist is an ordinary farmer of village Haryana, who breached the stereotypical thinking of using conventional farming techniques and started using organic farming methods for mushroom cultivation. He got the inspiration of doing mushroom cultivation by using natural farming method after his visit to Research Center of Mushroom, where Chief Scientist Dr. Ajay Singh Yadav make him aware of the beneficial properties of mushroom and motivated him to start doing it.

In the beginning, when he started mushroom farming, the person other than Scientist Ajay Singh Yadav, who always encouraged and assisted him in farming was his wife. All the other six members of his family also helped and supported him a lot.

Ashok Vashist mainly follows three important steps of mushroom cultivation.

First Step:
In the first step, he prepares compost by using paddy straw, wheat straw, millet straw, etc. He cut the straws in 3 to 4 cm and soak them in water.

Second Step: In the second step, he leaves the straw for 28 days in the compost made at home.

Third Step: In the third step, when the compost is prepared, he sows the mushroom seeds which are specially prepared in the lab.

He always follows these three steps while doing mushroom farming and other than mushroom he also cultivates wheat and rice in his farm. By qualification, he is just 10th passed, but this thing never dispirited him in learning and exploring new things. With his innovative thinking and enthusiasm, he tries to create different product out of mushroom, and till now he has created products like honey muraba, mushroom achaar, mushroom muraba, mushroom bhujia, mushroom biscuits, and even mushroom jalebi and ladoo also. One thing that he especially cares about while making different food products is health. So, he uses Stevia powder made from the plant species stevia to sweeten the sweet recipes. Stevia is an ideal healthy sweetener and is also nutritious; diabetic patients can consume sweet products containing stevia without any worries.

Ashok Vashist journey started from a very small platform, almost from zero, and today he has setup up his own business from his hard work, where he sold his homemade products which have been passed by FSSAI. Maharishi Vashist Mushroom is the brand name under which he is selling his products, and many experts, officers, leaders, and media house visit his farm, time to time, to know his innovative way and the idea behind mushroom cultivation and creating delicious mushroom products.

Ashok Vashist wall of achievement includes:

• Certificate for mushroom production technology training programme from HAIC Agro Research and Development Centre.

• Training Certificate by Chaudhry Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar.

• Award and Certificate of Achievement in 2nd Agri Leadership Summit 2017

• Appreciation award from DC Amna Tarneem Jind.

Mushroom Seed:
Ashok Kumar is the first farmer of India who recently developed the seed of mushroom, which can be used as spawn.

Well these are just few awards and achievements to mention about Ashok Vashist, even his buffalo also won the competition by giving 23 kg of milk, which gave him a cash prize of Rs 21 thousand. He only owns 4.5 acres of land and 6 Murrah Buffaloes from which he tries to make out the best earning and profit. He is also an active participant of various exhibitions and events which help him in showcasing his products and making awareness of his farming techniques. And with the hard work and passion with which he is working, in future he will definitely going to achieve much more successes and praises in the field of farming.

Ashok Vashist has a special message for the farmers
Mushrooms are highly nutritious and beneficial to human health. I have generated great profit from mushroom cultivation by growing them in a natural way. As, we know that, food processing is going to be a big thing in the future, so try to take advantage of the opportunity. In the coming time I’m planning to expand my mushroom cultivation to produce products in huge quantity for selling purpose. My message to other farmers is that they should also take up mushroom farming and process them to make different products for selling in the market. Even landless farmers can also make great earning from mushroom farming and they should also choose this field for farming.

Rajveer Singh

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Success Story of a Small Dairy Farm in Karnal That Produces 800 Ltrs Milk per Day

This is the success story of Rajveer Singh and the accomplishments of his dairy farm. Hailing from a small village of Karnal district (Haryana), Rajveer Singh never thought that his HF breed cow- Lakshmi, would be honoured with National Award for high milk production.

Rajveer Singh’s Lakshmi is a cow of Holstein Friesian breed which has the capacity to produce 60 Lt Milk every day which is much more as compared to other HF breed cows. Lakshmi has not only won awards for her high milk producing capacity but also for her beauty in many animal fairs at the national level. She has been a beauty champion at Punjab National Dairy Farming Fair.

Well, Lakshmi is just one high milk producing cow at the farm of Mr. Rajveer. All in all, there are total 75 cattle at his farm, from which Rajveer Singh is making a profit of around 15 lakh annually. His whole farm is built and expanded in 1.5 acres of land, in which you can see an amazing view of a scrum of cows (60 HF cows, 10 Jersey cows, 5 Sahiwal cows).

Rajveer Singh’s dairy has a total milk production capacity of 800 litres/ day. Out of which, he sells some of the milk in the market and the rest to Amul Dairy. It’s been 8 years since he is actively involved in dairy farming and with his all efforts and expertise he tries to take care of his cows.

No amount of money can weaken the bond of Rajveer Singh and his cows…
Rajveer Singh is so much attached to his cows and dairy work that once he even refused a big businessman from Bangalore to sell his cow Lakshmi in 5 lakh rupees. Businessman visited Rajveer Singh’s farm to buy his cow and was ready to offer any amount of money in exchange of Lakshmi, but he was determined and rejected his proposal.

Care & Feed provided by Rajveer Singh to Lakshmi…
Lakshmi was born in the Rajveer Singh’s farm, due to which Rajveer was much attached to her. Lakshmi generally eats 50 kg of green fodder, 2 kg of dry and 14 kg grains every day. Almost 6 workers are engaged in the care of Lakshmi and other animals at the farm.

“Cows should be cared for like a child. Cows are very reactive to the love and care that they receive. Dairy farmers should take care of every need of the cows, then only they can get good milk produce.”