Sangeeta Tomar

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A sibling duo tastes success by selling organic jaggery

You must have surely seen brothers and sisters fighting but have you also seen them working together for running an enterprise towards a business?
Sangeeta Tomar and Bhupinder Singh from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh are perfect examples of siblings who started a Venture together and have successfully reached new heights with their determination and grit.
Sangeeta and Bhupinder were born and brought up in Muzzafarnagar, Sangeeta who got married in the nearby village is well settled with her new family. The proceeding belt of Uttar Pradesh state is known to have the best quality sugarcane, though this crop is grown in other states as well the quality and tastes differ. The duo thought of growing sugarcane on 9.5 acres of land possessed by them and finally in 2019 they started the processing of products made from sugarcane under the name ‘Kisaan Agro- Products’.

List of products

  • Jaggery
  • Shakar
  • Desi Khand
  • Jamun Vinegar
A total of 12 products are produced from jaggery having different flavors which are made from authentic fruits rather than just the essence of Chocolate, Mango, Saunf, Elaichi, Ginger, Mix, Ajwayin, Dry fruit and Peanut jaggery.
Bhupinder Singh never took any training in this field but his ancestors used to cultivate sugarcane and produce Jaggery mostly in the state of Punjab. He didn’t just start practicing the same but understood the need of today’s consumers who wanted to eat small pieces of sugar after having their meal. He ideated on making flavored Jaggery into small pieces where 1 piece = 22 grams, which was easy to eat at a single time with either food or milk as a barfi and also this was far healthier than that being natural.
The technique of producing quality and tasty jaggery has been passed on from generations in our family- Bhupinder Singh
Sangeeta takes care of the marketing and carries out the regular inspection when he is not physically present at the production plant. A point of consideration is the usage of steel-infused machinery which is covered and no pollution occurs while production. Moreover, the products are machine made therefore there is no change in the taste and the adoption of proper measures the flavor is locked with the perfect taste to give for maximum customer satisfaction. The team distributes their products to 106 government stores and 37 private stores in Delhi.
The amount of sugarcane used per day is 125q and to complete this requirement they need to buy this crop from other farmers in their village. The process of making jaggery generally takes place from September to May but when the yield is affected by climatic factors it takes place from September to April only.

Farmer’s Background

Bhupinder Singh got retired in 2009 as an NSG commando from the Indian Army and then worked in a five-star hotel to attain experience in the food industry. In 2019 he decided to do something big from the traditional practices he learned in his village so that people would respect him. He also generated employment for the labourers working in his production plant and his field and also by buying sugarcane from other farmers.
Sangeeta Tomar who has completed her master’s in English major is now an independent woman. Her children are all settled abroad but she wanted to live in her village and practice farming.


A quality product demands a consumer who knows the difference between an organic product and a duplicate product. There are farmers in his village who are making jaggery even in July by using sugar and chemicals. These farmers sell their product at a lesser price which attracts the buyer towards the chemical-made jaggery.


  • Awarded by the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh at Lucknow Gud Mohatsav in 2021
  • Awarded at Muzzafarnagar Gud Mohatsav in 2019


He wants people to come back to agriculture. There are fewer jobs with more applicants and eventually it’s high time to start one’s own business rather than being unemployed. Moreover, agriculture is a diverse sector and there are various fields which one can choose as per their interests.


Bhupinder singh wants to directly sell his products to the consumers without the involvement of middlemen. Which will eventually lead towards more profit for him and similarly the consumer will have to pay less than what he is paying now. He would be able to buy the organic product at a lower price.

Harbhajan Singh


A farmer who succeeded in running 5 different professions on a single platform and therefore is recognized as Shaktiman of Farmers- Harbhajan Singh

Diversification is a vital process to achieve successful outcomes in this rapidly changing, fast-paced world. It is hard to adopt but very necessary these days. Everyone in the universe is born to do something unique and distinctive. However, many people are afraid of the change and hence, they hold back their thoughts on diversification. Only some people can realise their uniqueness and reach the stars to change the world. This story is about one such person.

Where most farmers go with the traditional way of cultivating Wheat and Rice, Harbhajan Singh, a farmer from Malakpur village, Mansa, contributes his efforts towards the multiformity in Agriculture. He is successfully running an integrated farm on 11 acres of his land in which he rears fish, pigs, hens, goats and quails. Moreover, he has also taken 55 acres of Panchayati land on rent in which he rears fish.

After completing his graduation in 1981, Harbhajan Singh started a mechanical workshop and along with that, he was helping his family with agricultural work. At that time, his friend suggested him to start rearing fishes. So then, he began researching the fish rearing process and soon took a village pond on rent to nurture fishes.

I made a significant profit by rearing fishes and hence, decided to work on my private land– Harbhajan Singh 

He was benefited from this work, therefore, in 1995 he decided to get training from Punjab State Fisheries Development Board, Mansa and started working more effectively on his own land. Harbhajan Singh prepared a pond on 2.5 acres on his own land and later bought additional 2.5 acres of land adjoining his pond. His fish production at that time was 6 tonnes per hectare. Later, he decided to get training from the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha and bought 6 breeds of fish (Rohu, Katla, Murakh, Grass Carp, Common Carp and Civil Carp) and 3 aerators to increase the fish production. The government provided these aerators with a half subsidy. The productivity of the fish rose to 8 tonnes per hectare after the use of aerators.

I had to buy fish seeds from the government hatchery, which was a costly process; therefore, I prepared a hatchery of my own– Harbhajan Singh 

Along with fish rearing, he prepared a hatchery to produce Fish Seeds as it was costly to buy seeds from other hatcheries. Generally, the hatcheries are government-made, but Harbhajan Singh was so hardworking and dedicated that he prepared his own hatchery with a large initial investment. The hatchery provides artificial rain to the fishes to help them breed. He produced about 20 Lakh finger-sized fish seeds in the hatchery and sold them for 50 paise to 1 Rs per seed.

Over time, he initiated Pig farming in 2009 with 50 pigs of large white Yorkshire breed and decided to sell them as live weight. This type of marketing was not effective enough, so he decided to start processing pig meat. He gained training in Meat products from CIPHET, PAU, GADVASU and processed pig meat into pickle. Marketing the meat pickle was a great success; his income almost got doubled.

At present, Harbhajan has around 150 pigs and he uses pig waste to feed the fishes. This saved him 50-60% of the cost, and the fishes’ production rose about 20%. And, now he produces 10 tonnes of fish per hectare.

He started a Fish Pork Processing Self Help Group of 11 members. This gave employment to many people and added to their incomes.

Harbhajan Singh was also awarded by the Chief Minister of Punjab for his success in integrated farming.

Things did not stop here! He had a long way to go.

As there is an increase in water scarcity, Harbhajan found a way to save nature by recycling the water. He reuses water by first using it for bathing the pigs; then, the same water is released to flow into the fish pond and the wastewater from the fish pond is used to irrigate the crops in the field. This water is organic and provides fertilisers to the crops; hence the only half amount of fertilisers is required to be added artificially. The Punjab CM, Parkash Singh Badal was very impressed with Harbhajan Singh’s efforts and visited his farm.

I got training from KVK, Mansa, to initiate Goat Farming– Harbhajan Singh

Furthermore, he decided to include goats in his farming; hence, he got training from KVK, Mansa and started working with 30 goats, including Beetal and Sirohi, in the beginning and at present, Harbhajan has 150 goats. Later in 2017, he started visiting Kisan Mela at PAU, from where he got the inspiration to rear Quails and Hens. Hence, he bought 2000 Quails and 150 Kadaknath Hens from Chandigarh. These hens are allowed to roam openly and find their feed on their own from the leftovers of other animals’ feed. Currently, he rears 3000 Quails at his farm.

All the feed for the animals is prepared at the field by him with the help of machines. Today, Harbhajan runs his farm successfully with his two sons, who help him in the farm works. He manages all the farming with the assistance of only one helper. He sells fish seeds for 2 Rs per seed. Besides, he sells the goats in Malerkotla on Bakar Eid’s occasion and prepares Goat pickles from the meat. The eggs of Kadaknath hen are sold for Rs 15-20 and the chicken meat is sold for Rs 700- 800. Harbhajan then got training from ICAR-CIFE, Kolkata, for making fish pickles, fish soup etc and marketed the product in the home market. He sells his product under the name “Khiala Pork and Fish Products”.

Marketing of the products is done at my farm itself– Harbhajan Singh

All the marketing process is done in his field itself; he does not need to go anywhere to sell his products. He motivated many young farmers and they visit him for taking his advice regarding integrated farming. He became an inspiration for others and encouraged many other people to run an integrated system of farming.

Future Plans

Harbhajan Singh wants to increase his income and take his farming to a higher level. He wants to be more successful in integrated farming and teach people about the benefits of organic and diversified farming.


Harbhajan Singh advises young farmers to pursue organic farming. If any farmer wants to start integrated farming, he should begin from a base level and gradually add other aspects to their business.

Navjot Singh Shergill


A young farmer from abroad made a name for himself in Punjab by cultivating strawberries- Navjot Singh Shergill

Every person certainly thinks about progress and distinction in their field. This mindset can lift a person from earth to the skies. The success of each farmer depends upon his passion for doing innovative things that deviated from traditional methods.

This story is about one such farmer who deviated from standard farming and chose his own way in agriculture, which very few people were aware of. The name of this young farmer is Navjot Singh Shergill. He lives in Majal Khurad village in Patiala. The practices adopted by Navjot inspired many other farmers.

I always dreamt of doing something different in farming so that people should know me by my innovative work and not by my name. Hence, I decided to work on something new- Navjot Singh Shergill

Navjot Singh was born and raised in the UK, but as he grew older, he started to feel a lack because he missed the fragrance of the soil of his homeland. Therefore, he returned to his village in Punjab, India. Navjot pursued his MBA and then decided to get into agriculture on a large scale. He started Emu farming, but he did not succeed as there is a very low demand for Emu in Indian markets. He was disappointed by this failure but did not lose hope. He was encouraged by his elder brother Gurpreet Singh Shergill, a farmer in Punjab and known as The King of Flowers. Gurpreet bought a revolution in the cultivation of flowers in Punjab and proved what others could not even think of.

Navjot Singh followed his brother’s suggestion and started gaining information about strawberry cultivation. He gained enough knowledge from social media and informative websites and then decided to start practising in the fields to have more practical knowledge.

I then went to Pune, Maharashtra, for acquiring more understanding of strawberry cultivation and visited various fields and met many farmers- Navjot Singh Shergill

There he obtained all the information about Strawberries like, the climate in which they flourish, making more plants from a single one, its primary plant and from where did strawberries come in India.

In India, the mother plant is imported from California, and then the following plants are made from this mother plant- Navjot Singh Shergill

After returning from Pune, he investigated the environmental conditions in Punjab for strawberry cultivation. He then brought 14-15 thousand plants from Pune and cultivated them in a half-acre land. The total cost summed to Rs 2-3 lakhs. He felt great but was also afraid to fail because of the market issues. However, when the fruits ripened, and Navjot took them to the market for sale, the demand for this fruit was sky-high. All his fears were converted into happiness.

I was very much delighted by the fact that all the people who stopped me from doing this business were now praising me; it was a moment of realization and pride as it took a lot of my money and time- Navjot Singh Shergill

After the continuous success of strawberry cultivation, Navjot realized that some of the fruits remained small while others were fully ripened, and therefore their prices were significantly lower in the market. He felt the urgent need to solve this problem.

There is a saying, “When a person falls and rises, he achieves success on higher levels.”

Then, he started processing the small fruits.

I acquired training from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Patiala in fruit processing and started making 2-3 items- Navjot Singh Shergill

The harvesting of strawberries required labour; hence, Navjot hired people from his village for harvesting, sorting and processing. By doing this, Navjot created employment opportunities for the people living in his village. Further, he installed machines for processing and therefore started making processed items in the field only. He named the brand Coco-Orchard.

He made the following items-

  • Strawberry Crush
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Strawberry Barfi

All the procedures from processing to packing are taken along under the supervision of Navjot. The Crush and Jam are packed in glass bottles, and when the products are exported to the other states, the bottles are packed in cardboard boxes. The trays of 2 kg cost at least 500-600 Rs and contain sections, each weighing 200-250 gm.

I then started visiting Kisan Mela’s and set up my own stalls there- Navjot Singh Shergill

The stalls gained Navjot a lot of marketing and recognition. People started to wait for his products in the upcoming Melas. He met a doctor from the agriculture field during the Mela; this is a very precious moment of his life. The doctor praised him because he is making processed items out of strawberries, while most people do not know anything about strawberry cultivation. Navjot has a Facebook page named Coco-Orchard, where he provides all the information about strawberry cultivation and markets his produce.

Navjot is now acknowledged enough by the people that he does not have to go to any market to promote his products.


He wants to grow his strawberry business to an extent where he can grow this delicious fruit in a 4-acre land. Navjot wants to export his produce to foreign countries like Dubai as there the demand for strawberries is higher.


Farmers who wish to grow strawberries must acquire complete information regarding the same before they start cultivation. Strawberry cultivation requires a lot of money and time and cannot flourish without supervision.

Jyoti Gambhir

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A woman who not only dreamed about her goals but also dared to pursue them and achieve success — Jyoti Gambhir 

Jyoti Gambhir is a lady who not only had ambitions but also had the courage to pursue them and succeed.
If directed in the right direction at the right moment, your passion can help you reach the sky. Each and every one of us has goals and desires, but not everybody has the courage to pursue them. A person is hindered from achieving their goals by their fear of failing. Nevertheless, there are some who never give up.
One such woman, Jyoti Gambhir from Ludhiana, not only succeeded in turning her pastime into a business and achieving her goals, but also established herself as a role model for others.
Jyoti was always fond of cooking and thoroughly enjoyed it, but she exclusively did it in her kitchen at home. But there always comes a point when it’s time to start afresh.

Cooking was my hobby, and I tried cooking different food items at home for my family— Jyoti Gambhir

As they say, ”Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Jyoti’s daughter suffered from lactose intolerance and would often fall sick after she consumed outside food. Her daughter’s sickness made her resilient, and she started baking fresh biscuits for her daughter, as her biscuits were gluten free and delicious. They were well-liked by her daughter and family, who complimented her.
She became inspired and started working towards her lifelong quest of starting something of her own.  She made the decision to prepare additional biscuits to distribute to her family and friends. After an overwhelming response, Jyoti gave her a ray of hope and a pair of wings to fly. She felt motivated and thought she could provide quality biscuits and bakery items for those who suffer from gluten allergies, lactose intolerance or those who prefer organic food items.

I was overwhelmed & excited to see my family’s response to my new venture— Jyoti

Her husband gave his full support to her decision. She was on cloud seven after receiving the go-ahead signal. She was optimistic about it. She thought she had overcome all the challenges and she could see her path steered clear.
Then she considered taking culinary classes. As she began her research, she made the choice to start labelling her products under the name “Delicious Bites”. The ideal choice for her, given that she resided in Ludhiana City, was to get training from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU). She didn’t waste a second in starting her training at PAU.

I started my training at PAU and then, later on, worked from home to prepare fresh batter for cakes & cookies. —Jyoti Gambhir

After completing her course, she started working part-time. Meanwhile, she came across Dr. Ramandeep Singh, Marketing Head at PAU, who has guided numerous farmers in finding success and is always willing to assist them in prospering. Dr. Singh was greatly impressed with Jyoti’s work when she gave him a detailed overview of her ambition and her lifelong quest to start something of her own. He saw the determination in her. So, then he introduced Jyoti to the PAU social media team and gave her strategic marketing ideas.
Dr. Ramandeep then considered promoting Jyoti’s initiative on the Apni Kheti app and then the Apni Kheti team crafted Jyoti’s story to highlight her for better reach and support.
Jyoti had countless responses to this, and she soon began to receive calls from customers all over the city who wanted to place orders.
She started expanding her business as she garnered more marketing knowledge, using resources from Punjab Agricultural University amidst this process. After a few weeks, when her business of baking cakes and cookies was well established, she took the decision to produce more products.  .

I started my Training at PAU and then, later on, worked from home- Jyoti Gambhir

As Delicious Bites began a new phase of growth, Jyoti began to package and label her products.
She makes 14–15 different kinds of bakery products out of these listed products:

  • Biscuits
  • Cakes
  • Bread
  • Jaggery
  • Sugarcane
  • Jam
  • Squash
The ingredients required to make biscuits are completely organic. Other goods that include jaggery are cakes, bread, and a variety of biscuits. She took a step forward, then built connections with other organic farmers and started purchasing the required ingredients directly from them.
Dr. Ramandeep made all of this possible by assisting Jyoti in establishing her career.
Currently, Jyoti manages all marketing and promotion of ‘Delicious Bites’ on Instagram and Facebook pages, which she also owns.
In 2019, she was rewarded with Rs. 16 lakhs from The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) for taking up a great initiative of preservative free products.
Jyoti Gambhir then became a partner with Celebrating Farmers Edge International (C.F.E.I.) PVT LTD in 2021, where she is assisting many farmers in the processing of naturally grown sugarcane into healthy products such as cane jam and alkaline cane juice tea. C.F.E.I. has already established two Farmer Interest Groups (F.I. G) through this company, and their goal is to establish 100 F.I. Gs by the end of the year with the assistance of SBI Coimbatore and IIT Mumbai, their technology partners. These farmer groups support, educate, and help them learn how to market their own products.

“Do not follow where the path may lead.” “Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

We all have dreams, but not many fulfil them. Mrs. Jyoti Gambhir is the proud owner of Delicious Bites and has managed to fulfil the quest of her lifelong dream by opening her first outlet in Maharashtra under the partnership with C.F.E.I. She plans on expanding her business further this year and is opening another outlet in her hometown, Ludhiana.
It all started with a home bakery, baking cakes and cookies and delivering orders. She gradually learnt about the various types of preferences people have and began baking vegan and gluten-free products. She went from selling 15 units per day to selling 1,000 units per day and launched her own brand. As they say,
“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”
In 2021, Delicious Bites, a preservative and chemical-free bakery, was the only bakery from Punjab selected by the Govt. of India to showcase their products in the Dubai Expo India Pavilion.


She wants to grow her business to the extent where she can afford to package and be able to market her own products under one roof.


Every woman should chase her dreams; there are no limits to fulfilling those goals if a person is fully determined and passionate. 

Pawandeep Singh Arora

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Leaving the dream of settling abroad, this Bee-Keeper engrossed himself in his father’s profession.

Now-a-days, our young generation is more eager to settle down overseas because they feel that in abroad, they can have more secure future. But if we do our job with hard work and devotion by staying at our own nation, then we can have secure future in India too and need not to go anywhere else.

One such young man is Pawandeep Singh Arora. After completing his MA, Pawandeep first tried to settle down in abroad, in light of the fact that, as other youth, he additionally feels that there are more chances to work abroad.

Pawan’s uncle lived in Spain, so only after completing his matriculation, Pawan tended to go there. But due to some reasons, this desire remained unfulfilled, nevertheless, he continued his studies. As time passed, he noticed that his dream of going abroad is not working out. After completing his graduation, he opened a coaching centre with his sister. He closed the coaching centre after 2 years, when his sister got married.

Pawandeep’s father, Mr. Shamsher Singh, is into beekeeping farming since 1990. Being educated, Pawan wished either to go abroad or to have some good job here, because he did not want to continue this beekeeping business. But then his father began falling sick. At that time, Mr. Shamsher Singh was working at his Bee farm in Madhya Pradesh. The doctor advised him to take rest, due to which Pawan himself had to go to Madhya Pradesh to handle the work. That time, Pawan did not had any information about extracting honey, but after being on the farm for 4 months in Madhya Pradesh, he got enlighted himself with knowledge on beekeeping. He benefited a lot in this work. Gradually, Pawan’s interest started growing in the beekeeping and he decided to adopt beekeeping as his business and concentrated all his attention on this. To gain more knowledge about this, he also took 7 days’ beekeeping training from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Amritsar. After developing an understanding about the extraction of honey, now Pawan is focused on the marketing of honey. He saw that traders are buying honey for INR 70-80 per/kg from him, and selling it for INR 300 per/kg.

“Traders buy honey at a cheaper price from us and sell it at a higher price. I thought I would no longer depend on merchants for selling the honey. For this purpose I decided to sell honey myself” – Pawandeep Singh Arora

Pawandeep first had 500 boxes of honey bees, but he reduced the number of boxes from 500 to 200, so that he could focus more on the marketing for his beekeeping and he also shifted 3 workers to do the work of packaging. He profited a lot by packing and selling honey himself. He visited various farmers’ fairs too and sold honey himself, from where he got good results from the people.

Being young made, Pawan understands the importance of social media. So he created a website to sell honey and also promoted it online, in which he got succeeded.

Now-a-days, due to lack of knowledge about marketing, beekeepers tend to close their honey farming. If the business of beekeeping is done with a knowledge of marketing, then a lot of profit can be made in this work too.

There are various types of honey prepared by Pawandeep:
  • Mustard Honey
  • Eucalyptus honey
  • Akashiya Honey
  • Kashmiri Sawai honey
  • Shisham Honey
  • Litchi Honey
  • Multiflora Honey
  • Kher Honey
  • Jamun Honey
  • Java Plum Hone
  • Berry Honey
  • Ajwain Honey

Pawandeep extracts honey from different places such as river canals. He carries honey bees boxes on the sides of canals so that honey can be extracted, and then migrates them back so that they can be packed and made ready for selling. He prepares “A” grade honey, which completely freezes, which is the hallmark of real honey. People with low eyesight used honey prepared by his farm which improved their eyesight.

“We go to different places to extract honey, such as Jammu and Kashmir, Sirsa, Moradabad, Rajasthan, Rewari etc. Along with honey, we also extract Bee-Wax, Bee-pollen and Bee-Propolis which is sold at a very good price.” – Pawandeep Singh Arora

Along with honey, Pawan also processes turmeric. He takes raw turmeric from farmers and processes it and sells turmeric along with honey. Pawan’s father (Shamsher Singh), mother (Neelem Kumari) and wife (Ritika Saini) also helps him in this work. For this work, they get help from the girls in the village for packaging of honey.

Future Planning

After achieving success in the bee-keeping business, Pawan wants to take this business to a higher level and market different products.

“A message for farmers who are a part of Bee-keeping business; they should not depend on merchants. The bee-keepers should extract, pack and market the honey themselves only then profits can be made in this work.”