Japinder Wadhawan

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Japinder Wadhawan, a young engineer, engrossed in Farm machinery

It is said that if you are determined to do something, then success runs back and forth and this truth is shown by a young engineer named Japinder Wadhawan.

Japinder connected his engineering studies with the field of farming because the farmer and farming have a huge contribution to society. The need for farm machinery also changes from time to time. With the help of latest technology, the work from sowing to processing can be done easily within a short span of time. But not every farmer is investing in these expensive machines. This problem was easily understandable to engineer Japinder Wadhawan, also known as ” Raftaar engineer. This young engineer is famous in Mohali for creating farm machinery at a low price. Japinder Wadhawan, who studied mechanical engineering, was completely unaware of the field of farming at first. He first worked as an assistant professor and maintenance engineer. Fortunately, he got an opportunity to attend the “Make in India” event in Delhi.

In this event he met a farmer, Sardar Harpal Singh Grewal, who had come there for rotavator. Japinder, realized Harpal’s need, and promised him to make a 10 foot rotavator. Harpal also got 40,000 rupees deposited in Japinder’s bank account for the preparation of machine. But Japinder had never designed any such machine, but at the same time he did not want to break his promise. So, realizing his responsibility, he started preparing the rotavator. With great hard work along with his colleagues, he prepared the rotavator in a month. This new attempt made by Japinder was successful and he got a lot of encouragement from the farmers. After this, Japinder started meeting the farmers in his spare time and came to know about the difficulties related to the machinery used by farmers in farming. During this time, Japinder met Dr. Ramandeep Singh, an expert and professor of farming business, Punjab Agricultural University and Mr. Sukhi Longia, a progressive farmer. With such personalities around him, Mr. Japinder encouraged himself to know more about the difficulties faced by farmers in farm machinery.

“Today, a number of farmers are committing suicide in our country, which is a shameful thing for our country. The major cause of farmer suicide is the pulsesost of farming machines. Very few farmers buy these expensive machines. Therefore, we understand the need of the farmer and try to manufacture machines at low prices” – Japinder Wadhawan

He got another project for a turmeric boiling machine. He got this project too by luck. In a bus, he met a farmer who wanted to make turmeric boiler machine. Within a month, Mr Japinder prepared turmeric boiler. After this, Japinder decided not to look back. Whatever projects he got from the farmers, he tried his best to meet the expectations of the farmers with his hard work, in which he was successful. After the success of these Projects, Mr. Japinder formed a team with his fellow colleagues and this team was named – Raftar Engineering Professional Company. Their team consists of engineers and college students from about 15 different disciplines, who have done a master in their respective fields. To make his skills accessible to other farmers and people, Japinder shares videos of machines prepared by his team with other farmers through social media.

This platform of social media has been very helpful for them to join more people. “If we put it in simple words, we understand the difficulties of the farmers. We make machines as per the requirement of the farmer, so that they can adopt new technology and increase their earnings” – Japinder Wadhawan
Out of about 300 farmers associated with the Raftar Engineering Team, 120 farmers practice organic farming and Japinder himself motivates farmers to adopt for organic farming. Not only from Punjab but farmers from many areas including Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh comes to Japinder to get the machinery ready. It is said that in human life, success comes along with failure. The Raftar Engineering Team has so far worked on 20 projects, out of which 17 projects got success and 3 projects failed. But this failure did not break their courage and made them to work more efficiently. He has a team of 15 associates with him, who helps him in everything.

Machines made by Japinder:
  • Rotavator
  • Garlic Onion Peeler
  • Jagery processing frame
  • Turmeric steam boiler
  • Turmeric pulverizer
  • Turmeric polisher
  • Power weeder
  • Pulses mill
  • Pulverizer Irrigation scheduler
Along with preparing machines for the farmers, Japinder also helps the students studying engineering to complete their projects, which will prove beneficial for the farmers in the coming time. In order to motivate the farmers to go for organic farming, Japinder also gives huge discounts to the organic farming farmers for machinery.

In the future, Japinder wants to take his company to a larger level, set up his own industry and start working for import and export of his own made machinery.

Message for farmers
“Farmers need to focus on organic farming instead of going for chemical/pesticide farming. Farmers should invest thoughtfully. No decision should be taken under the influence of others rather always invest the money wisely.” – Japinder

Amarjeet Singh Dhillon

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Leaving M. Tech in middle of his studies, why this young man started farming?

Every parents’ dream is that their children should get a good job so that their future is secure. Similar was the dream of Amarjeet Singh Dhillon’s parents. So they taught him in a good school for his good future and got him enrolled in higher education for B.Tech mechanical. After completing graduation in Mechanical Engineering, Amarjeet decided to pursue his Masters in M.Tech. and also got admitted. But he was not having any particular interest in the study of M.Tech., so he decided to leave the studies in between.

Amarjeet’s family had 12 acres of land on which his father and brother used to practice conventional agriculture. For one year Amarjeet also used to do farming with his father, but due to being a young man, Amarjeet did not want to get enrolled himself in the traditional agriculture. To further increase his knowledge in agriculture, he started visiting Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.

He joined the Young Farmer Course in PAU. After the completion of course, he decided to do horticulture. He first started fruit farming at his farm named “Green Energy Farm”.. Later on, he also started vegetables cultivation, flower farming and beekeeping.

Within one year, I decided to grow only fruits and vegetables leaving all other kinds of farming, because the marketing of fruits and vegetables is easily done in the same local market. It helps in getting daily living like a shopkeeper – Amarjeet Singh Dhillon

Amarjeet has set up a time-table for the whole of the year, according to which he harvests the crops sown in different months.

Amarjeet does not do organic farming. At first he tries to control insect-pests and diseases using organic methods only but if further needed, he use sprays as recommended by the PAU in recommended amount. Even today, Amarjeet participates in all KVK, university and district level training programs. Whenever he gets in trouble, he always seek advice from PAU experts only.

According to me, fruits or vegetables should be plucked before spraying and there should be a minimum of 24-48 hours gap between fruit plucking and applying spray – Amarjeet Singh Dhillon
Amarjeet has received many honors at the state level and national level, some of which are mentioned below:
  • Chief Minister Award from PAU (2006)
  • State level Award from ATMA (2009)
  • State Award in Agriculture Summit, Chappadchidi
  • Zonal award from International Institute of Vegetable Research (2018)
  • National Award from PUSA (2018)
  • Innovative Farmer Award from IARI
Future Planning

In the future, Amarjeet Singh Dhillon wants to focus all his attention on the self marketing and processing of fruits and vegetables.

“Those young people who want to get themselves enrolled into horticulture, should first get proper education and training in agriculture. They should start farming at very small level rather than investing huge lump-sum in the starting. They must read agricultural related books and should always keep learning.”