Nirmal Singh

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In India, pigs might not be rampant pets in the households, but they are sure moneymaker when it comes to pig farming. And one of the best thing with this occupation is that you can start with little capital.

In Punjab, pig farming is booming as a popular occupation among the farmers and many people are showing interest in it. Although many people still view piggery as a low profile occupation, but now it doesn’t matter at all. Because piggery has totally changed the perspective and life of farmers in Punjab. One such a farmer who is successfully practicing piggery and generating good revenue from it is Nirmal Singh.

From the times of grandfather and great-grandfather, Nirmal Singh’s family was involved in agriculture, for them, there was no alternative occupation to earn money. But when Nirmal Singh grew up and took everything in his hand after completing his studies (12th standard), then he started dairy farming along with wheat and paddy farming. For about one and half year he did dairy farming for commercial purpose, but in December 2015, when he visited one of his friend’s marriage in Bathinda, then he came to know about pig farming. He was excited to know about it, so after the marriage, next day he visited the farm named as BT Piggery situated in Sanghera. After his visit to the pig farm, he was interested to adopt this occupation.

Before starting the piggery venture he thought of taking an expert advice and training from the experienced person, so he especially attended 5 days training given by GADVASU (Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University), Ludhiana. After taking training he started pig farming with 10 female pigs and 1 male pig. He established the piggery farm on 2 kanals area.

With increasing value of pig farming, his venture went well and today he has around 90 pigs at his farm, out of which 10 female pigs and 1 male pig that he bought in the beginning for reproduction are the same. In a month he sells around 10-12 pigs at the cost of 150 Rs/Kg for female pigs and 85 Rs/Kg for male pigs. His brother and son help him in his venture and he has kept no other worker for help. To maintain the healthy pigs, he prefers to make pig’s feed on his own; he buys the raw material from the market and processes it himself.

Today, Nirmal Singh is counted as one of the members of Progressive Pig Farmers Association, GADVASU. He also received first award, certificate and cash prize at district level in Pashudhan Championship which was held at Shri Muktsar Sahib.

Currently, he is living with his wife, a son and a daughter in his village Lubanian Wali village in Muktsar. His future plan is to expand his pig farm and start pig products processing. He also helps other farmers and recommends them this profession for better income.

Before starting anything, training is very much important. Every farmer must take training to improve their skills, otherwise, there is a huge risk even in a simple task.

If you are also thinking about starting pig farming business in Punjab, then this is the right time for you. Contact Apni Kheti for information regarding pig training, pig breeding or pig farming.