Ratti Ram

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A Ray of Hope Which Changed Ratti Ram’s Farming into a Profitable Venture

Ratti Ram is an ordinary vegetable farmer from Hinotia village of Madhya Pradesh. By wisely taking advantage of advanced techniques and government schemes, he established his own vegetable farm from which today he is earning profit in crores. But if we talk about a while ago, then Ratti Ram was a deprived farmer for whom even buying a footwear was also a very difficult errand. Today he owns a bike which he proudly runs in his village.

Although Ratti Ram had less land for cultivation, but scarcity of water resources acts as the major intervention between his efforts and the land. In the rainy season, when he tried to cultivate something at that time excess rain damaged his crops. All these climatic problems and other glitches were the main reason behind his poor farming conditions.

Whatever little income he used to earn from farming was all spent on fulfilling the family’s food demand, and these situations were also giving rise to many financial problems. But one day Ratti Ram came to know about Horticulture Department and he ran barefoot towards Collector Rajesh Jain’s Office District Head Quarter from his village Hinotia. When collector saw Ratti Ram, he felt his pain and the next step that he took changed the life of Ratti Ram.

Collector sent Ratti Ram to the officer of Horticulture Department, where Mr. Ratti came to know about various horticulture schemes. He got seeds of Guava, Amla, Hybrid Tomato, Okra, Potato, Garlic, Chilly etc., and with the help of horticulture schemes and subsidy, he also set up drip irrigation system, sprayer, power spray pump, power driller. Moreover, the collector also helped him in locating a pack house under subsidized rate.

His fate changed, as soon as Ratti Ram started vegetable farming by using new techniques, and in a year Ratti Ram earned a pure profit of one crore from which he bought Matador Van, two bikes, and two tractors. Other than investing in vehicles he also invested in other resources and made 3 new water wells, 12 tube well and 4 houses at different locations. He expanded his farming area by buying 20 acres land for cultivation purpose and took 100 acres land on lease. Today he is living happily with his family and a while ago he also arranged marriage ceremony for his two sons and a daughter.

Ratti Ram is a role model for all those farmers in India who are feeling helpless and abandoned, because even in his difficult times he never left his hope.