General Information
Persian or Indian Lilac tree, in Punjabi known as Drek whereas in Sanskrit it is known as Mahanimba, Himarudra and in Hindi known as Bakayan tree. It is similar to Neem in appearance. It is widely found in Persia and in some parts of western Himalaya. It belongs to family of Meliaceae. This species is native of West Asia. This is deciduous tree and grows upto 45 m. Drek tree mainly use for timber (but it is of fair quality) beside its root, bark, fruits, seeds, flower and gum have medicinal property. Fresh also dried leaves and oil and ash of plant is used for curing coughs, bacterial infections, dysentery, burns, headache and cancer etc. It is short duration crop (lives upto 20 years) and it is not suitable in areas of having high wind.