Umran: Fruits are of oval shape with smooth and glossy skin. Fruits are of golden yellow color and on maturity it changes to chocolate brown. It gets mature in March end to Mid-April. Gives average yield of 150-200 kg per tree.
Kaithli: Fruits are of medium size, oblong, with smooth skin and of greenish yellow color. Ready to harvest in March end. Fruits are of sweet in test. It gives average yield of 75 kg per Tree. Get affected with powdery mildew disease.
ZG 2: Trees are of spreading type. Fruits are of medium size, oblong and of bright green color on ripening. Sweet in taste. It is resistive to powdery mildew disease. Ready to harvest in March End. It gives average yield of 150 kg per tree.
Wallaiti: Medium to large size fruits with oval shape. On maturity, color of fruit changes to golden yellow color. Pulp is soft with TSS from 13.8 to 15%. It gives average yield of 114 kg fruits per tree.
Sanaur 2: Fruits are of large size, skin is smooth with golden yellow color. Sweet in taste having TSS 19%. Resistant to powdery mildew. Ready to harvest in second fortnight of March. It gives average yield of 150 kg per tree.
Balvant: It is an early variety and matures in mid-November. It gives an average yield of 121kg per tree.
Neelam: It is a moderate maturing variety and matures in end-November. It gives an average yield of 121kg per tree.
Other state varieties:
Gola: High yielding, early maturing variety suitable for dry areas. Fruits are round, greenish yellow in color.
Banarasi Kadaka
Sanam 5